Monday, August 27, 2007

Marvelous Mascot Molly

So, we had our staff retreat for SCCLC over the weekend. It was a very memorable weekend, especially for all you Molly fans. I hope that you will enjoy some of the wonderful photos provided to help immortalize the events of the gala. We spent much time in festivities of which sole purpose was to amalgamate us together in the joys of laughter. The staff was broken into smaller groups. Each group chose their most admirable, most charismatic, their most beloved to represent their faction. It is no surprise to us Molly fans that she was chosen to represent her party. She was chosen to be transformed into the school mascot of an eagle. We have the privilege of sharing the visage of her final metamorphosis with you. Enjoy. We all did.
P.S. Thanks Molly for being such a great sport.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

The Bestest Classroom

Here's some of the high lights of Molly's fabulous 4th grade classroom. It's amazing! Oh, and hang in there because soon we will have exclusive Molly photos from the recent SCCLC retreat. We promise you'll enjoy them.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Molly International Woman of Mystery

Yesterday despite the presence of Pathway Church's exploratory team all out war errupted at the Wolheter's personal place of residence. Chad and Coy (the oldest son of James and Jenny) attacked Molly. Molly performed admirably seeing as how she had never participated in an all out gun fight. Not having any brothers, Molly was not exactly a gun fighter, but she did not back down from anyone. Coy and Chad had an ingenious plan of attack. They planned to sacrifice Coy to flush out Molly so that Chad could safely snipe her from a distance with little or no personal danger. Sadly, during Coy's approach the green five-year-old announced the plan as he charged Molly's position. The plan failed, and Coy was shot. Later in the evening Coy's young attention span dwindled (and Molly stole his gun), and Molly allied herself with Coney of Absorkee, Montana (staying with the Wolheter's for a month). This new alliance forced Chad to barricade himself in the bathroom to fend off this new onslaught. In this new alliance, Molly's awesomeness was demonstrated yet again as Coney and Molly vanquished Chad in his bathroom position.
p.s. these photos are reinactments of real events. There were casualties on both sides.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

The Greatest 4th Grade Teacher Ever

Evidently the news of Molly's awesomeness is spreading (like a scorching super hot fire raging through some really dry hay or weeds or something). There have been several comments and even rumors spreading about Blogin Molly. We couldn't be more pleased, since our goal is to promote awareness of how awesome Molly is. So we ask; we beseech all of you Molly fans out there to continue spreading news about BloginMolly.

Insider sources within the SCCLC (Santa Cruz Christian Learning Center) have reported that Molly is really burning the midnight oil. It has been reported that Molly has been up until 1 AM several consecutive nights, maybe even for like a month or something. She is diligently preparing in order to more effecively facilitate the education of her students. We also believe that she has even undertaken projects for other (more lazier) teachers, including the decoration of another teacher's door. All this just goes to show yet again that Molly is awesome. Her students are so super lucky!

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Hooray for Molly!

It is with great pleasure that we (Chad and Mike) welcome you to the unauthorized Mollyblog! This being the first installment of many, we must graciously thank Molly without who's inspiration this project would never have come to fruition.

The first segment of the MollyBlog relates to Molly's job as fourth grade teacher at the Santa Cruz Christian Learning Center. Reliable sources claim that Molly is having trouble choosing a theme for her classroom door. This being a pressing issue, we desired to bring it before you the faithful mollyblog fans. These are the various ideas that have been presented thus far:

1) Ice Cream Cone Idea: Evidently promotes awareness that children, like ice cream, come in many different flavors. Also promotes the licking of classmates.

2) Gum Ball Machine Idea: Accompanied by the catchy slogan: "Well-Gum Back to School!" Ironically, gum is not allowed at SCCLC. Perhaps a conflict of interests here.

3) Some other ideas we forgot... I mean Molly. Molly forgot.

4) Transformers Idea: Accompanied by the philosphical statement made by Optimus Prime (symbolic for Molly): Freedom is the right of all sentient beings.

Please leave comments voting for your favorite. We must notify you that only those comments received by Tuesday August 7, 2007 will be put into consideration.