Tuesday, August 7, 2007

The Greatest 4th Grade Teacher Ever

Evidently the news of Molly's awesomeness is spreading (like a scorching super hot fire raging through some really dry hay or weeds or something). There have been several comments and even rumors spreading about Blogin Molly. We couldn't be more pleased, since our goal is to promote awareness of how awesome Molly is. So we ask; we beseech all of you Molly fans out there to continue spreading news about BloginMolly.

Insider sources within the SCCLC (Santa Cruz Christian Learning Center) have reported that Molly is really burning the midnight oil. It has been reported that Molly has been up until 1 AM several consecutive nights, maybe even for like a month or something. She is diligently preparing in order to more effecively facilitate the education of her students. We also believe that she has even undertaken projects for other (more lazier) teachers, including the decoration of another teacher's door. All this just goes to show yet again that Molly is awesome. Her students are so super lucky!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well written article.