Sunday, August 19, 2007

Molly International Woman of Mystery

Yesterday despite the presence of Pathway Church's exploratory team all out war errupted at the Wolheter's personal place of residence. Chad and Coy (the oldest son of James and Jenny) attacked Molly. Molly performed admirably seeing as how she had never participated in an all out gun fight. Not having any brothers, Molly was not exactly a gun fighter, but she did not back down from anyone. Coy and Chad had an ingenious plan of attack. They planned to sacrifice Coy to flush out Molly so that Chad could safely snipe her from a distance with little or no personal danger. Sadly, during Coy's approach the green five-year-old announced the plan as he charged Molly's position. The plan failed, and Coy was shot. Later in the evening Coy's young attention span dwindled (and Molly stole his gun), and Molly allied herself with Coney of Absorkee, Montana (staying with the Wolheter's for a month). This new alliance forced Chad to barricade himself in the bathroom to fend off this new onslaught. In this new alliance, Molly's awesomeness was demonstrated yet again as Coney and Molly vanquished Chad in his bathroom position.
p.s. these photos are reinactments of real events. There were casualties on both sides.


Anonymous said...

I just want to say that I've heard that Molly is an awesome teacher. I've also seen her rooma and it is so awesome. Will there ever be any photos of Molly's classroom on the blog? Oh, and I just wanted to say that I'm a huge Molly fan!

Anonymous said...

Dear mollyrules!!! I certainly hope that soon we will get a blog up with photos of Molly's classroom. I have seen it as well, and it is indeed very awesome. Thanks for your ardent support of MollyBlog- All Molly, All the Time.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of Molly's classroom, not only is she getting attacked in the safety of her neighborhood, but also at the school. Rumor has it that an unidentified person snuck into the fourth grade room today and unsucessfully searched for what has become a precious treasure. Molly has kept it close at hand and the thief was unable to aprehend it. It remains safe in an undisclosed location. Molly truly is an "International Woman of Mystery".

Anonymous said...

Lewis does rule!!!!